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Ember.JS just got easier to learn

·1 min

To anyone who has tried to learn Ember.JS over the past few years, they are well aware of the struggles with clear documentation. I myself have bought books from LeanPub authors hoping to learn to build an Ember.JS application from the ground up.

Well it’s 2016 and I figured a good New Year’s resolution would be to finally learn once and for all the illusive, Ember.JS.

I approached this effort as I had in the past by checking out the latest books on Amazon and LeanPub to see which had the most up-to-date content on Ember.JS v2.x Components. I found a few, added them to my shopping cart, but before I clicked order I took another look at the official Ember.JS guides.

HOLY CRAP! The Ember.JS guides were completely overhauled with the release of v2.2.0. They are far and away the best getting started documentation out there for any aspiring Ember developers like myself.

Please go check them out for yourself!