Enable Elixir code folding in Doom Emacs
Code folding recently landed in Elixir’s LSP implementation 🎉 and if you want to give it a try in Doom Emacs, here are the steps needed:
Ensure you have the latest Elixir LSP #
Support just hit master and has not been pushed in a tagged release. Make sure you have updated your install.
If you have not installed Elixir LSP before – that is outside the scope of this article – but the gist is something like:
git clone https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls.git
cd elixir-ls
mix deps.get
mix compile
mix elixir_ls.release
Disable existing fold layer #
Doom Emacs has a custom folding layer that marries hideshow, vimish-fold, and outline-minor-mode. Since we need to use origami to get LSP-backed folding support, it is best to comment out the existing folding layer and avoid any potential conflicts.
This is a safety measure, I am not sure if these things can co-exist. Feel free to try and report back in #emacs in the Elixir community Slack.
;; ~/.doom.d/init.el
;; ... more config ...
;;fold ; (nigh) universal code folding
;; ... more config ...
Enable code folding for the LSP layer with Origami #
Add the lsp-origami to the doom packages:
;; ~/.doom.d/packages.el
(package! lsp-origami)
Enable code folding with lsp and set up package hooks:
;; ~/.doom.d/config.el
;; Enable folding
(setq lsp-enable-folding t)
;; Add origami and LSP integration
(use-package! lsp-origami)
(add-hook! 'lsp-after-open-hook #'lsp-origami-try-enable)
Then run doom sync
to install the new packages and remove the old one.
Testing it out #
Open up an elixir file and use all the usual keybindings z c
to collapse, z o
to open, z r
to open recursively. You can discover all the commands running SPC :
and fuzzy searching for commands starting with fold
or origami
Bugs #
If you run into any bugs with the new folding feature, report it upstream to the Elixir Language Server project.